It may be a rare view in Kaohsiung in the future casue the change of the terminal station.

Way to Taitung

It used to be Taitung train station, then it turned into bus station resulted from the government's policy to change the route of railway.

Installation art in front of old Taitung train station

Guanshan food is one of the must-eat food in Taitung

When you are in Chishang, you should always check this out. Unfortunately, we did't eat there cause its was almost three o'clock when we arrived.

Dapochih Wetland

nice view, nice people, relaxed mood

This picture was on of my my favorite one in Chishang

Look likes mixed one, doesn't it?

YA~It's brown

There was no ending here.

The elements of the picture are stunning scene and high skill of selfie


HAHA, followed tightly the trend

榕樹下,米苔目-One of the most delicious food in taitung street.

Hand craft store hidden on a dark street, so good I had done some reasearch about special stores.

The night view of the old Taitung train station

Night at the Railway town- A town full of crafts and unique restaurants.

I bought a elaborate postcard here.

We spent 300 NT dollars watching a show performed by Amis, a clan of aboriginal in Taiwan. It was totally worth than three hundreds and three hours.

At the last two days of summer vacation, our family decided to have a two-days trip to make my summer vacation an happy ending and got a whole relax before going back to school. Thus, we picked up a place which I have almost forgotten but my parents tell me firmly I truly have been to, Taitung, which is called “後山” as well in Taiwanese, meaning the city is situated behind the highest mountain in Taiwan. My impression to Taitung had already missed since I went there when I was little, so I made up my mind to find my memories back of Taitung on my own, and this was also the main motivation for me to go there. As we all understand, buying a train ticket to Taitung is even harder than getting a math grade over 60, however, thanks to a neighbor of my mom before, we all got tickets to Taitung with great gratitude, so this was the reason why we went Kenting last week( also posted on my blog), we took the friend who helped me got the precious tickets to Kenting in order to express our appreciation to her. After getting the tickets successfully, all we have to worry was the bad condition in Taitung, cause the previous forecast had shown us it had a little percentage of raining there, fortunately, in spite of drizzle when we visited brown avenue, the weather there was better than our expectation. Our train was at 6:56, so we woke up at almost five o'clock which latter make made me sleep along the whole journey to Taitung, which meant I missed such an astonishing sea view from the window, when arriving, I asked mom why I didn't see any sea view during the past three hours, and my mom smailed at me and said" cause you were sleeping~" I felt totally regretted and disappointed as well, how could I lose something was important to me, because I used to think if I can sit the windows seat, I can enjoy the trip with amazing sea view and with a song"waves" But the truth was totally opposite to my imaginary, I thought I really learned a lesson- Always make my eyes open when riding on train. After a three hours journey, we arrived Taitung at nearly ten o'clock, then we soon took a taxi to our hotel, in fact, it actually took us merely 10 minutes to walk to the hotel, but we had to rush catching the tour shuttle bus at 10:30, we had not choice but this. Fortunately, when we settled down our baggage, a taxi just passed our hotel, thus, without a second thought, we jumped into our car. Fortunately, there was still time for us to check the new Taitung train station out before the bus departure, then within 10 minutes, we started our journey. Our first stop was Guanshan, we had the famous Guanshan bento there though it was too fruitful to finish, I had saved enough energy for the bike riding in the afternoon. We arrived at Chishang nearly three o'colck, so we immediately found a store to rent bicycles, and then headed to Dapochih Wetland directly. The lake was surrounded by bicycle road, however, we didn't spend a lot of time enjoying the view there, cause we had some more important thing to do. That was Brown Avenue, where had become one of the most famous places in Taiwan, resulted from the commercial of the EVA Airline acted by Jin Cheng Wu setting there. There was slide when entering the Avenue, my bike was speeding up along with the strong but relaxing wind blowing by my side, that was pretty relaxed, I slowed down the bike, tried to feel the flowing of fresh air, the rhythm of the Mother Nature. I and Mom rode into the small streets, in order to stay away from the crowd, and of course, we took lots of pictures, especially the one with the tree which was the main role in that commercial, then we left there with no regret. Our final stop at Chishang was Da-Po Junior High School, you might think why we went there, that was just a normal school, but for me, that was really something. I was interested in earth-science, and I learned that there was a chasm in that school, so I told Mom we must go there to check this out. Along the road to the school, raindrop started falling from the sky, and landing on my face, thus, we speeded up. Unfortunately, when we got there, there wasn't any people in the school, and we saw a sing hang on the gate, said that if we wanted to visit the chasm, we could press the doorbell, so we did it several times, still, no one replied. This time, I had a little regret, hope the next time I been there, I can see it in person. With a regretful mood, we went back, riding in the rain, and then took the train back to Taitung City. it was almost dinner time when we arrive at Taitung City, so we used cell phone to find where to eat, eventually, we found 榕樹下,米苔目, one of the most popular restaurant in Taitung, then, I found there was a unique store nearby, Taitung Old Dorm, a store owned by aboriginal which sold lots of crafts, so I bought a small bag which was made of the parachute‘s material, I loved the store very much, not only because of the atmosphere there but also the kindness of the owner. However, these were not enough to call it a night, so we went to Railway Artificial Village, a paradise of both elders and childs, women and men, you would never go there without a relaxing mood, there, something people was selling the traditional food, like some rice with special favor and bread, the others are selling the postcards made by themselves, while others are preparing for the exhibitions, and the one attracted us the most, was the performance about the Amis(one of the aboriginals in Taiwan) village, though cost us some money, we had a wonderful time during the performance, in the very beginning of the performance, the presidents of the village introduced 奇美 , one of tribe in Amis, later on, a man looked liked the master of the tribe walked slowed and sang strongly to the stage, while leading a row of performers. They performed lots of different styles song, sometimes was three to boys sang at the same time, sometimes was the combination of women and men, and the presidents told us that each song had it own meaning, some may convey the feeling of clansman for working in the city, some may describe the interaction of the family, and you could always understand the song through their tones, gestures, and even the expression on their faces. I really immersed in that atmosphere during the whole show, and with the perfect voice made by the performers, I could deeply relax. During the performance, a man walked around the audiences with a glass of 小米酒( a kind of alcohol which is very famous in Amis) in the hand, and used a small cup to let the audiences taste it, however, I couldn't have a cup, I still felt the passion of Amis's culture, at the end of the show, the master of the tribe invited all of us to dance with him, so people started to make a circle, in a short time, there had already lots of people in it, and me and Mom, stood beside, watch and enjoy the latest performance, we didn't wait for them to have a happy ending, but when we walked outside, we still could hear their voice, I thought they might stop singing until the dawn. we walked slowly to the street, before handing back to the hotel, we bought a big piece of chicken, and then, we took on the taxi and went back to the hotel, when back to the room, my first thing to do was enjoy that food, and recalled some memories of tired, but wonderful day in Taitung.