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A trip to Tainan-Anping Street And Lin Department Store

Two days before going back to school, I and my family came visiting Tainan, a place which was suffering from the earthquake happen on 2/6, and the earthquake had taken 116 lives away, the rescue had ended on 2/14 midnight, so here, I would like to give my warm applause to the rescue team, and hope the people could have a wonderful life in sky.

We had visited Tainan several times, but every time, I could always experience it with a different feeling, and had various memories in my mind.

Of course, as the previous schedule as this, we visited Anping Street, but this time, we had one new plan, and I keep it as a secret here. As we arrived at Anping Street, I could hardly believe this was the place which was suffering from the earthquake, cause on the street, lots of people walking and had different kinds of plastic bags on their hands, I didn't know whether it was because Anping Street was the place for tourists, but I didn't matter, cause we had already at Chen oyster roll, and it was nearly twelve o'clock, so we decided to have something first, we all ordered make fish soup, and with a plate of Shrimp rolls, within twenty minutes, we finished, then started out journey. We first walked into the main street, the people were no so many, but I wouldn't like to put my importance on the main street, instead, I would like to talk about the small alley beside the main street. I didn't remember the name of it, but I definitely remember the most of the thing in it. When walked into it, I saw a huge tree standing on my right-hand side, then I read the introduction, it said it was the king of the tree, and it protect the residents from the war in Zheng Chenggong dynasty, so residents regarded it as the God of protection, and anyone could wish while standing before it. And then walk for a little while, there was the store selling lots of folk games, though I had almost forgotten most of their names, I still look through all of them carefully. And we went more deeply, there was the building shaped like temples, we walked into it, and there were about three different stores surrounded around, we chose one, and stay for about twenty minutes. That was a special store, there were many of lions' head on the shelves, and I quickly found what there were about, there were the guard of everyone, and each of them match with each of our lunar birthday, I thought those kinds of thing were pretty innovative, so Dad let I and Mom pick one for ourselves, then we left. When we were going back to the main street, we found there was a two-hundred-year-old house just across the king of a tree, then I realized the "old" things were everywhere in Tainan. I bought a tower of french fries, it was the food which was made of lots of french fries cake and made them the string, I thought I had fallen in love with it. Then I played bb guns, but I played the special one, I played the one with the whirligig ballon, cause if the balloon hangs there still, I could always shoot them down, this time, I got eight, pretty close to my record-nine, for the whirligig ballons. Then we headed back to the intersection, to buy the most special ice cream in Taiwan, the ice cream shaped like the letter"v", so you could choose two flavors at the same time, not only the shape made it special, but the cookies did, the cookies were made of shrimp cake( oh, I forgot to say the shrimp cake were also everywhere at Anping Street), cause the owner of the store used to sell shrimp cake, and the "v" ice cream had become the one of famous food in Taiwan. Unlike the previous one, this time, we went to another street suggested by Dad and discovered something special, there was the small advertisement of the coffee shop on the big street, so we made a right turn to check it out. Once went into the alley, I saw a two-store building in front of me, and on the first floor, there was a coffee called moment cafe, the name pronunciation of a moment was similar the wooden door in Chinese, but why wooden door, there was a story. In the past, there was a theater called Amway Theater there, but it had disappeared for sixty years, and the owner of the coffee shop wanted to let people know there had been a theater before, so he cooperated with the owner of the building, to make the building alive, the building used to be a convenient store when the theater was there, and it also was the building which had two stories then. I ordered a cup of latte and strolled around, there were some of the remaining things, and we learned that the second floor has been the hotel now, the atmosphere there was pretty good, I strongly suggest all of you to check it out. Then we had three-dollar Tempura nearby, after finishing it, we all had a full stomach, so we were ready to go back, but before then, I had some more important thing to do.

That was Lin Department store, but I'm not going to talk about it, cause I would like to talk about it in another post, here, I want to put my importance on the store, which was situated on the second floor. The store, was not the same as the common store, it didn't have a strong brand power, it didn't earn lot of money, but, it did such an undeniable effort to the world, it was called Twine(, a social entrepreneur found by two Taiwanese architects, and composed of a wild dream. Their main goal was to promote the fair trade, and protect the benefit of each craft producer, they had become the formal member of world fair trade organization, and started their program in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Kenya and other fifteen countries in the world, they help the local producer, deliver the professional knowledge to them, and make their products seen by the world. In Taiwan, most of Twine store are in Taipei, and other cities like Hualien, Tainan, and Kaohsiung also have their stores, and they offer the online shopping, so there is no need to worry about it if there aren't any stores in your city. I had a deep love with social entrepreneur because they don't tend to make money, they are going to do something valuable. I stood at the store for nearly one hour, while Mom was picking her stuff at the store nearby. The clerks were pretty kind, they told me many the origin of different kinds of product, so before leaving, I thought I had a good study to all of the products, and I spent 2500 NT dollars to express my Benevolence, I had one calendar made by Nepal kids, there were their self-portrait on each page, and the wallet made in India, they used moral leather, which meant that they used the leather of dead animal, and I also bought a notebook, I thought this was the most special one, it was made in Bangladesh, and they used grass and old newspaper to weave as the cover, they used coconut as the button, and about the paper inside, they used jute, so basically, all of the material came from nature, and did not do harm to the environment.

We had turkey rice on a car, then, we went back to home, I thought I could never be as satisfied as this time, cause I understood, I really did a right thing.

Moment Cafe

A wooden door of the Amway theater, and now it became the name of this cafe

The menu of Moment Cafe

The lid of sars at Moment cafe

Guess what?

it was the yin yang lease

I guess this was something to do the copy

Another drink brand in the past

All of the stuff inside were boutique

Outside the Moment Cafe

Tiny one

Uncommon view in the past

SunShine Latte

Anping Port

The introduction of Twine

Special instrument from Tanzania, just use fingers to press the steal sticks, then you can make a song

Traditional instrument from Kenya, they cut the throns of cactus, and put them insto the cactus, and when reversing it, it make the sound like raining. Local use this to pray for raining,

The notebook which attract me very much, so I brought it home( about the introduction, go find the last paragraph)

A calendar from Nepal

A folkgame store

The Terminator


Special light in the store which sells lot of Lions's heads.

The king of trees

Two-hundred-year-old house

Sensational ice cream


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